Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oil Price

Now I wonder if it's a coincidence that soon after Iran made murmerings about building Nuke power stations the price of oil doubled. So that meant the value of Irans main asset, it's virtually only export commodity also doubled. It's GNP doubled. All Goverment employees could therefore get pay rises and so that means President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is ever so popular. And all he did was murmur about Nuke Power Stations.

The European Diet

How often do you read about the health of mainland europeans being so much better than that of Brits or Americans? The European diet is healthier as a result of the fresh vegtables they eat, the glass of wine they have. The Brits diet is too fatty, you don't enough of this or that and because of this bad diet the Europeans live longer than the Brits. Well let's look at what the Europeans really eat. The Spanish, eat lots of Tapas, mainly deep fried fish or chicken. They eat lots of salt, fish baked in salt and salted anchovies. They eat lots of cheese, tarta de queso. Their desert of creme catalan is not low cal. The French eats large quantities of cheese, bread (fall of salt) drink too much wine and beer and all their food is over seasoned with salt. The Italians eat pasta (salt); pizza (cheese and salt) gelati (not low cal) and so on. They all smoke heavily.

So how come the statistics show the longer life span for mainland Europeans?

Could it be that the Europeans just don't declare death. Why would they? Inheritance tax is severe, in Spain it's even payable between husband and wife. Plus, if you don't declare a death you can continue collecting the pension.

Is this how you live longer in Europe?